mind in motion - Arrrggh


Mind in Motion - Arrgggh

Nothing is so obvious that it’s obvious.
— Erol Morris

Yesterday, I wrote about What It Takes to Become a Feldenkrais Teacher, the webinar I’ll present this coming Sunday, 3 December 2023, at 8:00 PM European time. 

Almost immediately after publishing that blog, I heard back from quite a few frustrated folks. They encountered one or more problems when they tried to sign up. In case you ran into any of the same difficulties and in the hope that you’ll be able to join me on Sunday, I thought it best to address the issues here, one at a time.

The first stumbling block was that the website was in Dutch, which makes sense given that Panta Rheni, the organization sponsoring the new teacher training that starts next summer, is in the Netherlands. Though the in-person parts of the program will meet in southern Holland, this international course will be conducted entirely in English.

The website is available in both languages. To switch between two versions of the site, find the flag and language selector at the top left of the page, click on the down arrow, and select English.

The second snag was the amount of information required to simply sign up for a webinar. The website only has one enrollment process, regardless of whether the course you’re signing up for is a 90-minute online seminar or a two-year osteopathic specialization. That’s just the way it works.

Citing concerns about privacy and identity theft, people were surprised, annoyed, or even outraged. If you’re only interested in the webinar this weekend, it is certainly understandable that you wouldn’t want to divulge so much. So, don’t!

All fields, except “Choose a gender,” may be required, but honesty is not. The fact is, no one is going to check whether you tell the truth or not. For once, you can be any age you desire! You can also put in a fake address. 

(Should you decide to apply for the training or register for another course, you can update your profile later.)

Finally, some folks were flummoxed by the time difference. 

To find out what time it will be where you are when it’s 8:00 PM this coming Sunday in the Netherlands, please navigate to the meeting planner option on timeanddate.com.

Once you’re on that page, select Amsterdam from the Location 1 dropdown menu and then find your location — or a large city nearby — for Location 2. Then click on Show Timetable to find the answer.

Geralt took the photo at the top of today’s post; I found it on pixabay.com.

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  1. Hello Larry! I received your letter just in time! Thank you very much for the clarification on this horribly detailed and inappropriate registration on the osteopathy school website. You answered everyone very quickly! This shows your sincerity and great dedication to the Feldenkrais cause. So that as many people as possible can attend your important webinar.

    1. Hello Elena –

      So glad you got the information about signing up for Sunday’s webinar! Thank for recognizing and acknowledgig my commitment to making Moshe’s method available.

      The Panta Rhei website is purposebuilt for the courses they offer, making it cumbersome for webinars. Be that as it may, I have to say that we are so grateful to have found such a home for the new accredited teacher training program in the NL – the sixth one!

      Looking forward to seeing you online on Sunday.