Become a Better Teacher



Since its inception less than two years ago, over 200 Feldenkrais® Teachers — from Eastern Canada to the South Island of New Zealand, from the heart of Texas to the capital of Russia — have participated in RETURNING TO THE SOURCE (RTTS). This is the first course in Mind in Motion’s new, state-of-the-art program about preparing, promoting, and presenting successful Awareness Through Movement® (ATM®) classes and workshops.

This introductory course to the art and science of teaching ATM answers the question:

What do I need to understand about an ATM® to teach it well?

Feldenkrais trainer and movement scientist Larry Goldfarb, Ph.D., answers that question by turning to the timeless lessons from the book, Awareness Through Movement. By unlocking the secrets that six of these ATMs – such classics as COORDINATING FLEXORS AND EXTENSORS, SEE-SAW BREATHING, etc., which Moshe chose to introduce himself and his method to the world — he gives you the questions you need to ask if you want to truly understand how a lesson works, including:

  • What’s the most important aspect of a lesson?
  • How do you reliably and consistently remain consistent with this theme?
  • What are the aspects of a lesson that you can change?
    Which are the ones you can’t? (And why?)

After teaching the most recent RTTS course, Larry wanted to perfect it before offering it again. Using feedback from the participants and observations from the first five iterations, he’s revised and updated the course to create Version 2.0, which is more user-friendly, concise, and intuitive. Managing the course, making recordings available, giving homework and responding to it, all via emails, made for a flurry of messages and was everyone’s least favorite aspect. Now, the schedule, homework, and all the recordings will be available via Mind in Motion’s online school. What’s more, you’ll also be able to stay in touch with your classmates and Larry via an online exclusive forum.

Before “looking under the hood” of each lesson with Larry, you’ll have a chance to do each of the lessons from the comfort of your home during two convenient weekend mini-workshops. He’ll teach the first three RTTS ATMs online Saturday, 19 Jan, from 9:30 AM to 12:45 PM Pacific and the second three on Saturday, 2 February, from 9:30 AM to 12:45 PM Pacific. This format gives you the opportunity to also experience how these ATMs can be taught together so that they build on each other.

If you’re unable to attend, you’ll receive access to recordings. Each week, you’ll also receive access to the recordings of Larry teaching two contemporary versions of the ATM he’ll be unpacking that week. On top of that, you also get the recordings of three mini-workshops from previous courses. In each of these, Larry combines three of these lessons in a unique and engaging manner.

Once a week for six weeks (there are four weeks of class, a two-week break, and then two more weeks of class), you’ll take a deep dive into one of these transformative and all too often perplexing ATMs. By making the ATM’s tactics and techniques explicit, exposing the crucial biomechanical underpinnings, and explaining the essential compositional structure — as well as connecting it to Moshe’s personal history and professional formation — Larry reveals how each is lesson designed to make learning happen.

When you find out what’s behind each lesson — what holds it together and makes it work — you can teach it with confidence. You’ll know what’s important and why. You’ll find out how to figure out what an ATM has to teach and how its learning logic moves the student along. In other words, you will be able to see how a lesson brings us to move the way we do when we move as well as we can. And you’ll know just how it harnesses the innate learning abilities built into our nervous system. You’ll be able to do that because you’ll learn to use the observational and conceptual tools that make it possible to figure out how any ATM makes learning possible.

(He’ll also suggest how you might apply what you learn to the way you teach ATM and practice FI.)

All told, we’ll meet for seven live Question & Answer sessions, during which you and your classmates discuss the lessons with Larry. You’ll be able to ask questions, have them taken seriously, and answered kindly. The course will start with a Q&A session that serves as a live introduction and orientation to the course. Each one-hour Q&A meeting is scheduled for 75 minutes so that when the conversation is lively — as it often is — Larry won’t have to cut it short.

Because we know you’re busy, we will be recording everything: the two live mini-workshops, the class presentation about each ATM, and both weekly Q&A sessions. That means if any part of the course doesn’t fit your schedule or if, for whatever reason, something comes up and you have to miss something, you can rest at ease knowing that you will have access to recordings within a day or so.

You’ll be able to listen to or watch the presentations and discussions and listen to the ATMs whenever and wherever works for you. And even if you can’t participate in one of the Q&A sessions, you can send your questions to Larry ahead of time so that he can answer them during the discussion. And, regardless of which session you attend, you’ll receive the links to both Q&A sessions.

RTTS 6 Version 2.0

Thursday, 17 January
9:15 AM – 10:30 AM Pacific

Live mini-workshops
Saturday, 19 January
9:30 AM to 12:45 PM Pacific
(ATMs for the first 3 weeks of classes)

Saturday 02 February
9:30 AM to 12:45 PM Pacific
(ATMs for the second 3 weeks of classes)

ATM Presentations
Noon to 1:00 PM Pacific
22, 29 January
5, 12 February
5, 12 March

Question and Answer #1
1:15 PM to 2:30 PM Pacific
22, 29 January
5, 12 February
5, 12 March

Question and Answer #2
Thursday mornings
9:00 AM to 10:15 AM Pacific
24, 31 January
7, 14 February
7, 14 March

You can attend either discussion or both. The RTTS curriculum is designed so you can benefit from reviewing in these discussions (without having to participate in them), making it possible for you to take this course entirely as an online, self-guided program.

When you sign up for the class, you’ll get:

    • Two (2) live, online ATM mini-workshops


    • Access to the unedited audio recordings of the six (6) ATMs from these mini-workshops


    • Twelve (12) additional audio recordings of ATMs — two of each of the lessons from previous editions of RTTS — that you can stream or download.


    • Six (6) live, online presentations during which Larry reveals the learning logic, anatomical underpinnings, and functional foundations of each lesson.


    • Access to the unedited audio and video recordings of these six (6) presentations.


    • Fourteen (14) live online Q&A sessions


    • Access to the unedited audio and video recordings of all fourteen (14) discussion sessions


    • Weekly homework assignments to help you understand and apply the ideas, observational skills, and teaching abilities you learn in each presentation and then integrate what you’re learning into your personal ATM practice & teaching your classes.


That’s twenty-six (26) hours of live classes and discussions, eighteen (18) ATMs, and twenty (20) hours of recorded presentations and Q&As for a total of over fifty-four hours of instruction, which works out to less than $6.50 per hour when you sign up early.


Enrollment is limited to 36 participants.
Please note that the first times we offered RTTS, it sold out entirely before the early registration deadline!


Even if you’re not interested in taking the post-graduate course, we are making a limited number of ATM-only places available in the two mini-workshops.

Live mini-workshops

Saturday, 19 January
9:30 AM to 12:45 PM Pacific

Saturday 02 February
9:30 AM to 12:45 PM Pacific

Your tuition also includes:

  • The unedited audio recordings of the total of six (6) ATMs
  • The recordings of three (3) other mini-workshops that Larry taught previous RTTS workshops. The workshops feature the same ATM lessons taught in a different manner.


Enrollment is limited to 24 participants.

Tuition and Participation Policy

  • There are no credits or refunds for any missed classes.
  • By registering for this class, you also acknowledge that 20% of your tuition is a non-refundable down payment.
  • Cancellation between the day of enrollment and up to 31 (thirty-one) days before the first class, your tuition minus the down payment will be refunded.
  • Cancellations between 30 – 7 calendar days prior to the first day of class 50% of the total tuition will be refunded.
  • No refunds will be given for any cancellations received after 7 calendar days before the course begins.
  • >strong>No Risk Guarantee: If, after participating in (at least 70% of) the first ATM lesson of the first mini-workshop, you let us know that you are not satisfied, we will refund 100% of your tuition within 7 business days.