Mastering the Method 18 Boston



Listen, are you breathing just a little and calling it a life?
— Mary Oliver

While many Awareness Through Movement® classes put respiration front and center, usually the breath is secondary to the theme of a Functional Integration® lesson. When giving an individual Feldenkrais® session, you monitor your student’s breath — and your own — by tuning into the subtle shifts of disturbance or unease, and registering the respiratory responses that indicate improvement and integration.

But what about giving lessons that make BREATHING BETTER?

How, specifically, do you work with the ribs, spine, muscles of the trunk, etc., to influence the breath? 

Which tactics are most effective for unraveling the restrictions that limit respiration?

The sixth cycle of MASTERING THE METHOD (MTM) modules answers these questions and more. We delve into the structure and function of breathing, clearing up common confusions and stubborn superstitions and applying the Feldenkraisian framework to understanding what makes for optimal breathing. 

In each BREATHING BETTER module, you get to:

  • Learn the ins and outs of how breathing works.

  • Enhance your ability to observe breathing and know what it means.

  • Develop specific FI skills along the self-use they require.

  • Receive personal coaching and individual support.

  • Expand your repertoire of lessons you can count on.

BREATHING BETTER greatly exceeds my expectations for advanced Functional Integration training. Larry continuously surprises me with the friendly group activities and personal reflection tasks he proposes because they are delightful, enlivening, and personally relevant for me as a new practitioner.  I appreciate how we take the time to explore core ATM® lessons in multiple dimensions and interactively explore the ideas with a partner in FI practice. The virtual training format works very well!

Larry is a treasure of experience, skill, and genuine insights. He exemplifies the fuller potential of this practice for me.  I especially appreciate Larry’s ability to listen, clarify, and confirm key concepts and skills in a way that brings them to life in my daily life and as part of my aspiration to live the practice. 

 — Mark Lichtenberger

Following the time-tested format of MASTERING THE METHOD, the BREATHING BETTER modules take a deep dive into working with the breath in a Feldenkraisian way. Each module focuses on one specific, particularly effective Functional Integration strategy.

However, BREATHING BETTER goes beyond the traditional advanced training format by incorporating the advantages of online learning and extending the curriculum over four months. 

  • Over five days of interactive learning, you delve into the techniques and tactics essential to the featured FI while, at the same time, developing your understanding of how and why the lesson works. You get to know the lesson’s score and scope, explore its applications, and adopt best practices. You watch demonstrations, experience relevant Awareness Through Movement lessons, practice essential skills with your classmates, unpack the structure and strategy, receive feedback and coaching, and get your questions answered.

    • For your continued learning, you receive access to the recordings of the module and the transcripts of the ATM classes. 

  • To build on what you learned, we meet once a month each of the following three months. During these sessions, we review the FI, and you get to refine your skills and understanding.

  • You also receive an individual FI tutorial with Larry so that you can get the personal coaching and individual support needed to make the lesson yours.
Experience live classes

Benefit from real-time, interactive online education.

Participate from wherever

Use Zoom on your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Never miss out

Access the recordings at your convenience for on-demand learning.

Hone essential skills

Develop your teaching abilities, observational aptitude, and self-use.

Master the moment

Learn what it takes to give effective, meaningful FI lessons online.

Develop insight

Deepen your understanding of how Moshe’s method works.

Make learning last

Give lessons that easily integrate into your students’ everyday lives.

Get coaching

Receive individual support and feedback with personal FI tutorials.

Connect with colleagues

Join an international network of engaged, like-minded, and committed teachers.

Sensing breathing during lessons provides potent feedback for the client and the practitioner. Following an in-person breathing advanced training with Larry, I have become more tuned into breathing while teaching ATM and FI. I can both see and sense with greater discernment. 

To my surprise, I had the same experience when we had to move the program online. 

Dissecting an Awareness Through Movement lesson, finding the ways in which breathing changes because of it, and then applying the ideas to FI is a fascinating experience. We had multiple iterations in which to play with the lesson, learn from each other, and gain from Larry’s ability to articulate clearly the dance between detail and big picture. In addition, the one-on-one coaching provided personal guidance and helped to elucidate glitches. 

I have been studying with Larry over the past 10 years because he has mastered how to make lessons immediately applicable for each student’s learning.

— Lindy Ost

The Boston MASTERING THE METHOD group completed the first two modules of BREATHING BETTER. Enrollment is open for the third and final module. Participation in the first modules is not required for you to sign up for this module.

Module 18


Fear is excitement without the breath.
— Fritz Perls

Breathing is integral to how we move, think, and feel. 

This module reveals the ways to work with how we unconsciously carry the consequences of accidents, illness, and trauma with us. You’ll find out how to help your students uncover these deep and often troubling connections in a manner that makes it possible to disengage from the restrictions and reconnect with their potential to be present and respond in the moment.

Phase 1 — Master class

Learn the structure of this FI — its strategy, tactics, and techniques — in the depth of detail and breadth of the pattern.

    • Friday, 23 April
      9:00 AM to 11:45 AM Eastern

    • Saturday to Monday, 24 to 26 April
      10:00 AM to 3:30 PM Eastern

    • Tuesday, 27 April
      9:00 AM to 11:45 AM Eastern

Phase 2 — Review & Refine sessions

Consolidate and integrate what you’ve been practicing to make the lesson yours. (You can attend either or both of the following sessions.)

    • Sunday, 23 May 2021
      10:00 AM to 3:30 PM Eastern
    • Sunday, 20 June 2021
      10:00 AM to 3:30 PM Eastern

    • Sunday, 18 July 2021
      10:00 AM to 3:30 PM Eastern 

Since we are meeting online, the recordings will be available soon after to make it easy to continue your learning.

Phase 3 — Personal Coaching

    • To take your learning to the next level, you’ll schedule an online session to receive individual support and personal feedback at your convenience. You will have the option of either:

      • Practicing with someone — giving them the entire lesson or working on specific aspects — online and receiving in-the-moment suggestions and feedback while you’re working

      • Sharing a video of you giving the lesson, which we’ll go review together online.

As a student in my last year of training, my focus has been on developing FI skills. Despite prevailing concern that virtual learning of FI is not effective, Larry disproved such beliefs.
Larry’s radical approach to teaching hands-on
FI virtually lives up to the principle of possibility.
It is not a question of whether it is possible . . . but how.

His determination and enthusiasm shine through.

True to the tenets of the Feldenkrais Method®, Larry transformed the online format into an asset. Rather than relying on direct touch to enhance haptic abilities, he uses guided self-talk, descriptions, demonstrations, practice sessions, and his amazing ability to direct attention. My visual experiences during the course, remarkably, enhanced my tactile skills. (Yes, I had a person to work with at those moments, but Larry taught virtually and I had to translate what I saw.) Linking my kinesthetic and visual perception in this way, I discovered a deeper connection between the how and what.

Larry’s teaching approach is incredibly constructive and helpful. He focuses on process, demonstrating how FI is not only about person-to-person contact, but that it’s also about how one uses themselves, what one can be connecting to or “asking” as they enter into the conversation with the client, and where one’s awareness is directed. Larry effectively breaks an FI into relatable aspects and, slowly and incrementally, adds each section. I found myself able to discern the parts and connect them to the whole, and also deconstruct the whole to the parts. The training was, in essence, a detailed FI about FI.  

Larry demonstrates how to effectively navigate a constrained format, virtual learning, to teach a primarily physical practice. He makes what many individuals may have believed impossible possible, and he does this with curiosity, openness, humility, and a sense of humor. Not only did I learn a great deal more about one specific FI, but I also learned a lot about the practice of Functional Integration in general. 

— Dawne Roy

To ensure that you receive the personal support and individual coaching, enrollment for MTM Module 18 — THE WINDS OF CHANGE — is strictly limited to 24 participants.

Early registration ends at midnight Pacific time on Friday, 16 April 2021.

  • $217 per month for four months
    (for a total of $868)

  • $777 one-time payment

Starting Saturday, 17 April 2021, the tuition is

  • $247 per month for four months
    (for a total of $988)

  • $897 one-time payment

You can sign up even if you have not participated in the previous BREATHING BETTER module. 

To enroll in THE WINDS OF CHANGE, you must be a Feldenkrais teacher or a trainee in the final two years of training. This is the only prerequisite to participating besides needing a Mind in Motion Become a Better Teacher (BABT) account to enroll

If you are a Feldenkrais teacher or trainee but do not have a free BABT account yet, you can request one by clicking here.

If you don’t see the Sign me up button, please log in to your Mind in Motion Online account and then return to this page:

We understand that times are tough. 

Please contact MIMO support to find out about reduced tuition plans and work exchange.

If you’re interested in improving your skills as a Functional Integrator, we also offer MAKING THE CONNECTION, the recordings of a five day training segment about the Artificial Floor, on a “name-your-price” basis. Please click here for more information.

Tuition and Participation Policy

  • No-Risk Guarantee:
    If, after attending and participating in two days of this course, you let us know that you are not satisfied and do not want to continue, we will refund 100% of your tuition.

  • Tuition is for the course, whether you attend every day or not. There are no credits or refunds for any missed classes.

  • The FI tutorial must be scheduled no later than 15 October 2021.

  • For the payment plans: The monthly amount is automatically billed to your credit card. If you leave the course, you will retain access to all materials made available up until and including the month you stop payment. You will not be charged for the rest of the program. There are no refunds for payments already made.

  • For full payment: By registering for this class, you acknowledge that 20% of your tuition is a non-refundable down payment.
    • If you cancel between the day of enrollment and up to 31 (thirty-one) calendar days before the first class, you’ll be refunded your tuition minus the down payment.

    • If you cancel from 30 (thirty) to 7 (seven) calendar days prior to the first day of a module, you’ll be refunded 50% of the tuition you paid minus the down payment.

    • No refunds or credits will be given for any cancellations received after 7 (seven) calendar days before the course begins.