Since its inception 22 years ago, Feldenkrais Summer Camps have explored all sorts of topics, from classic themes, such as breathing better, to innovative subjects, such as using a doorway to improve your balance and coordination.
This summer’s curriculum takes a different approach. This time, it’s personal.
That’s because I’m going to teach lessons that helped me get through the double-whammy of coping with the coronavirus epidemic and dealing with my cancer diagnoses. (Yes, I’m using the plural of diagnosis because I had to face two bouts of cancer in the past three years.)
This year’s program, The Power Within, consists of the ATMs I relied on to diminish anxiety, move past the miserable moments, and find hope. I will be teaching proven antidotes to life’s difficulties and dilemmas.
There won’t be any abstract ideas or fluffy banalities. I promise concrete, usable, practical lessons that give you the means to adjust your attitude. They’re not about changing the world or ignoring problems; they’re about changing one thing in our control: how we respond to what’s happening.
I can’t know what you’ve been through or what you’re dealing with now, but I do know I’m not the only one with challenges. That’s why I’m offering what has worked — and continues to work — for me . . . and the people in my classes and private practice.
Won’t you join us?
To learn more about Summer Camp 2022 and to sign up, please go to: Please note that early registration ends at midnight Pacific time next Tuesday, 5 July 2022.
I used a photo by Mitchell Luo on as the basis for the image at the top of today’s blog.
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