Election Day in the United States is this coming Tuesday, 3 November 2020.
Given the intensity of the news coverage worldwide, I’m guessing you probably know that already. I’m pretty sure you’re also familiar with who is running for President and with all the controversy swirling around the choices and the process of voting this year.
It seems quite crazy out there, doesn’t it?
My plan for maintaining some semblance of serenity and at least a modicum of sanity during the days leading up to the election and afterward is to continue doing Awareness Through Movement® lessons.
No surprise there.
This is pretty much my plan, no matter what. That’s what it means to have a practice: engaging in this regular and consistent activity to improve my mental and physical health and foster my ongoing personal development. It is what helps me keep my feet on the ground and my breathing easy.
Folks from all over participated in the LGBTQA Feldenkrais® Festival
In honor of the ballot and recognition of the trying times we’re all going through, I recorded two special Awareness Through Movement® classes last month during the Autumn 2020 LGBTQA Feldenkrais® Festival. (If you’re wondering, the “A” stands for “ally.”)
A biannual online event, the Festival is the creation of my NYC-based colleague Frederick Schjang. The Edie Windsor SAGE LGBT Elder Center and the NY Region of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America sponsor this incredible, inclusive worldwide teach-in.The unedited audio recordings of my live, light-hearted ATM classes are now available, free of charge, for your listening and learning pleasure.
You’ll find them on the Mind in Motion Online (MIMO) website. Each class features a contemporary version of a classic Feldenkrais® lesson. So you know, the first one is done sitting in a chair and the second one lying on your back. Both are easy lessons, and neither requires any previous experience.
Another one of my neighbor’s political perspective To access the MP3 files, start by log in to your MIMO account. Once you have logged in, all you need to do is click on either of the links below to download or stream the lesson. (If you don’t have your no-cost account yet, you can sign up for one by clicking here.)
Once you’ve logged into your MIMO account, you can also find these lessons by going to Library/My Files, selecting Free ATMs >> Original Compositions, and then clicking Search Now.
One more thing: Democracy is about participation and action. If you are eligible to vote and you haven’t cast your ballot yet, please do so soon!
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Commenting on blog posts is available to anyone with a Mind in Motion Online account.
- Join in by getting your free account, which gives you access to the e-book edition of Articulating Changes (Larry’s now-classic Master’s thesis), ATM® lessons, and more — all at no charge whatsoever.
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[This license gives you permission to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially. You may also remix, transform, and build upon the material. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.]
Larry Goldfarb -October 31, 2020
Hello Scott - Thank you for your support and for your crucial work for the NY Region of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America (www.feldenkrais.com).
sfraser96 Fraser -November 07, 2020
Hi Larry, Thanks for posting your lessons from the festival! And for acknowledging the NY Region. With appreciation, Scott
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