Time out

Larry Goldfarb

Larry Goldfarb

· 3 min read
Mind in Motion - Time out

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here. I’m sorry for taking so long to follow-up. I wrote that I’d keep you posted here, but soon after treatment began I realized I had no desire to divulge the difficult moments of going through radiation and chemotherapy publicly. I felt that even more strongly with the advent of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and global shifts of all kinds, which has had everyone dealing with their own dilemmas.

When I finished treatment at the end of April, I was pretty darn tired. I had little energy, so I focused on doing what I love — writing and teaching, which provided much-needed inspiration and kept me in contact with folks — and on taking care of myself. Then, at the end of the summer, the road to recovery got even more challenging. My get-up-and-go got up and went. I found myself dealing with nausea and such extreme exhaustion that I couldn’t continue. I had to hit the pause button.


To give me a chance to convalesce, I stopped teaching weekly classes and put my ongoing courses on hold. (I did keep the few teaching commitments I had — since I wasn’t up for traveling, I could work from home.) I’ve been resting, reading, napping, watching, listening, napping, taking classes, and contemplating.

There is good news.

My post-treatment PET and MRI scans were all clear. I have more tests to monitor the situation scheduled over the next two years to make sure the cancer doesn’t return. The prognosis is good.

Thankfully, I recently started to feel a bit better. Acupuncture is helping. My energy is returning. I am back to riding my bike and taking regular walks.

I know that this process of regeneration and recovery is going to take a while. Healing certainly operates on its own schedule. I’m grateful that I’ve had ample opportunity to learn how to move slowly and listen to myself.


This timeout t-shirt is available from redbubble.com

I am particularly thankful for having had a chance to take a timeout. I’ve been resting, reading, watching movies and shows online, napping, listening to music and podcasts, connecting with friends, and contemplating plenty. Though it was not exactly comfortable to hang out in that place between places, it turns out to have been a gift to have time to ponder how to proceed.

Like so many of us, I have no interest in returning to the before times’ rhythm or intensity. So I am slowly starting to return to work. I’m happy to be getting back to my desk and starting to write.

Don’t know about you but I’m ready for some fun!

That’s why I am offering Dem Bones this Saturday, 31 October 2020. I’ll be teaching a couple fun, family-friendly Awareness Through Movement® lessons that celebrate the skeleton. The educational section will be followed by a Halloween party complete with live music performances from special guests along with games, surprises, and prizes. It’s all happening online so you can attend from the comfort of wherever you are.

To find out more and sign up, please click here.

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  • karin-van-teeffelen-lagerweij -November 07, 2020

    I am glad to hear from you again. Please take care. Hug. Karin

  • Karen Clay -October 29, 2020

    Of course, you don't know me, Larry..... I took your class at SFADI in Seattle many years ago I am in Jeff's FTA training this, for you The wound is the place where the light enters you. – Rumi

  • jaap-cost-budde -October 29, 2020

    Hi, Larry Happy to see you are a bit better than before and hope to see and hear a lot more from you. Wish you all the best in these horrible times. Jaap Cost Budde - Holland

  • Fateh Shraddha -November 07, 2020

    Dear Larry, i came along this article & as am reading ur personal story am sending u this piece of information. Be strong & get healed , i wish u all the best , ( met u in Frankfurt in one of the many trainings sections...) https://drrathresearch.org/drrath-discoveries/cancer Salud Shraddha

  • marjorie-levine Levine -October 29, 2020

    Hi Larry I’m so glad you’re getting your energy back and finding a new normal. I’m not sure if I can attend Saturday but it sure sounds like fun!! Marjorie Levine

  • Larry Goldfarb -November 07, 2020

    Hello Karen - Thank you for saying hello all these years after the class I taught for SFADI. So cool that you're in Jeff Haller's current Feldenkrais teacher training! Thanks for reminding me of the spectacular Rumi quote, too.

  • fayal-greene -October 29, 2020

    Oh dear Larry, I’m so happy to hear about your recovery. Your indomitable spirit has carried you through once again and I rejoice. ❤️

  • Larry Goldfarb -October 29, 2020

    Great to hear from you, Fayal. (-8

  • Brigitte Schwarz-Aeschbacher -October 29, 2020

    Dear Larry, great to read that some energy is back! As you know best, taking ones own time is very important for deep sustainable recovery. So, Larry, take your time and keep care.

  • Larry Goldfarb -November 01, 2020

    Hello Karen - Thanks for saying hello all these years after the class you took at SFADI. So cool that you're in Jeff Haller's Feldenkrais Teacher Training now! Thanks for reminding me of this Rumi quote!

  • Rika Lesser -November 07, 2020

    Larry, You already know my bones regret that they won't meet Dem (in Swedish "dem" means "them." Really, really happy you're feeling better. Contemplation is something happening to me-and, I suspect, many of us--as well. I hope your bellybutton is not rising toward your head as mine is. OXO, Rika

  • Larry Goldfarb -November 07, 2020

    Hello Jodie - Thank you for saying hello and sending your good wishes!

  • JODIEK -October 29, 2020

    All the best for your recovery Larry, thinking of you, Jodie Krantz from Perth Australia

  • Larry Goldfarb -October 29, 2020

    Thank you, Deniz. Hope all's well in Turkey!

  • Deniz Erdem -October 29, 2020

    Hi Larry, Thank you for your sharing and I’m happy to here everything is going better. I’ll try to join on Saturday. All best

  • Larry Goldfarb -October 28, 2020

    Thank you kindly!

  • mlg2001 -November 07, 2020

    Larry, I am so glad to hear your good news after all you have been through. Yay!! You are an inspiration!!!

  • Larry Goldfarb -November 07, 2020

    Yes, indeed, Brigitte, taking time is key to recuperation. Thank you for your support!

  • Larry Goldfarb -November 07, 2020

    Thank you, Karin. Good to hear from you, too!

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