Dunno about you, but I’m not sitting still these days.
Certainly not when I’m sitting.
Not any more.
Not since I met Turner Osler at the Boston Feldenkrais® Teacher Training in Newton, Mass. back in February of 2018. That’s when I learned Turner is a retired trauma surgeon and professor emeritus from the University of Vermont. It’s when I found out he has a black belt in Aikido. (Now that I know Turner better, I realize how much I had yet to find out about this guy.) The thrill was discovering that we share a passion for smart furniture — furniture that responds, that evokes rather than impedes action.
Turner is committed to changing the way the world sits.
Working closely with our Feldenkrais® colleague, Uwe Mester, Turner created an inexpensive affordable active sitting chair. Known as the QOR360, I like to think the chair’s named for its ingenious core, the patented geometric form that is the reason the chair’s movable and also the reason it’s cheap enough to manufacture to make it an affordable consumer product.
Unfortunately, the internet connection that Turner and Uwe had arranged for while on the road proved too weak for the webinar we’d scheduled last week. Now that they’re back in Vermont, we’re going to give another go tomorrow:
To be part of the live studio audience for the interview, you need to register ahead of time. Just click here to you sign up and receive information about how to participate via webinar. Even if you won’t be able to join us: please go ahead sign up anyway now. That way you will receive notification as soon as the recording is available, which will be almost immediately after the broadcast.
To meet the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulations, WebinarNinja — our excellent and ever-improving webinar hosting service — has added a new consent page to the registration process. We appreciate and respect this step, but it turns out the form is a bit too difficult to read. That’s why I created the following handy-dandy guide to make it as easy as 1 - 2 - 3:
Before I forget, there’s one important thing to tell you about this webinar. At the end of our conversation, we’ll select one lucky person — from everyone who is still online with us — to receive a free QOR360 chair. It will be shipped at no charge to this person, no matter where they live.
Won’t you join us for what promises to be another enlightening, engaging, and edifying interview? Even if you can’t be there for the live interview, if you register now, I’ll make sure that you’re informed when the video’s available so that you can watch it at your convenience on the device of your choice. (^8
PS: Wrestling for a Higher Consciousness webinars are a community service of Mind in Motion. There is no charge whatsoever; you’re invited to participate for free. If you miss the broadcast, we’ll be editing the interview and posting to the website, where you’ll be able to stream or download for free whenever you like.
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