In 1981, Moshe Feldenkrais’ introduced the “bell hand” lessons to those of us who enrolled in the Amherst teacher training program. Many consider this creation the culmination of decades of work. Combining a gentle, slow octopus-like motion of the fingers and hand with gradual transitions from one position to another, these Awareness Through Movement classes lead to a profound, global reorganization of the nervous system.
Due to a series of strokes, that was the last time Feldenkrais taught.
However, Moshe’s condition didn’t stop him from applying his eponymous methodology to himself, which only makes sense given that a central tenet of Moshe’s method is that we can help ourselves. He worked with himself and with the help of some of his closest longtime collaborators to recover his abilities. Rumor has it that this led him to develop in unexpected and unique directions. Supposedly Moshe continued making discoveries, inventing new tactics and techniques, and, eventually, coming up with a startling new series of ATMs.
For almost forty years, nothing quashed the whispers about these legendary lessons. It is said that after they were documented by one of his assistants, Moshe guarded them closely. After he passed, people searched for the handwritten notes through his vast library and amongst his collected papers to no avail.
Some claim that the notes were stolen from Moshe’s apartment by an unseemly visitor during his dying days; others insist he entrusted them to someone who promised to watch over them. Despite repeated inquiries and dedicated searches, no one ever found a trace of his final findings.
Until recently, that is.
The last of Dr. Feldenkrais’ belongings were found stashed away in the basement corner of the granddaughter of his former neighbor. A carton of bed linens was among the forgotten household items, including dishes, cutlery, and assorted tchotchkes. A subsequent search unearthed, at the bottom of the battered box, below the various blankets and sheets, tucked neatly away inside a pillowcase, a sheaf of paper containing the long-lost notes.
Curious about what these storied sessions contain?
Want to learn more?
The initial idea was to make this precious knowledge available as a non-fungible token, but this latest technological twist seemed too trendy.
Instead, you can purchase the exclusive, invaluable limited edition of Moshe’s ultimate innovations for only US $10,000.00. Simple log onto . . .
Credit where credit is due:
- I created the image for this blog from a photo available on
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cornelia-berens -April 01, 2022
Great, Larry - I almost fell for your line with growing excitement until the end. Thanks and have a good spring! Cornelia (Berens)
Larry Goldfarb -April 01, 2022
Sorry to worry you, Marg. Glad you enjoyed the blog. It's cold here, too, for early April - 41 F. From friends, I found it was snowing in Paris this morning so I ain't complaining. My daffodils are blooming, too. Life is good!
Larry Goldfarb -April 01, 2022
Happy April Fool's Day, Mark. Thank you so much for letting me know my shaggy dog story worked and did so without making you feel bad. That's what I was aiming & hoping for; it took a bit of work to get there. And, yes, I'll let you know if ever find them. ;-) Take good care.
Larry Goldfarb -April 01, 2022
Thanks for letting me know my diversion worked for you, Naffie. Thanks for the kudos!
Larry Goldfarb -April 03, 2022
Sweet! Starting the day with a belly laugh ain't half bad!
Larry Goldfarb -April 01, 2022
Thanks, Deidre! Just havin' a lil' fun.
Larry Goldfarb -April 01, 2022
Thanks muchly, Cate. Truth be told, this blog post was inspired by a dream I had of someone claiming to have found these lessons and teaching a course based on them. It was just too good of an idea not to share!
linda-rulli -April 01, 2022
HAHAHAHAHAH!!! You had me going there.....all the way up to the $$$$$$ See you soon for those Bodywise lessons - looking forward to it.....and that's not an April Fools' statement!!!
Naffie Fischbacher -April 03, 2022
Larry, yesterday you had warned us that something was coming for April Fools Day, but you still got me. Well done!
Deidre Sklar -April 01, 2022
Brilliant! You trickster! ;)
Larry Goldfarb -April 01, 2022
Thanks for letting me know my little diversion worked for you! Thanks for the kudos.
marg-bartosek Bartosek -April 01, 2022
When I saw the title and photo, I was concerned you were not getting enough sleep, Larry! Or getting too much sleep (though with all the info about sleep benefit, I'm not sure any of us need worry about that). You had me going till the end. Very good and thanks! Have a lovely spring day. . . it is 35 in OR this morning but trees are blossoming and daffodils and even tulips are popping up. Life is good!
Larry Goldfarb -April 01, 2022
Thanks for letting me know the setup of my spoof worked! Looking forward to seeing you in the supplemental <strong>Bodywise </strong>lessons, too. <em>(Really!)</em>
cate-thomas -April 01, 2022
you got me! :) your writing is great, and now I really want to know, is it fact or fiction and if in fact you really have those lessons, do tell :)). thanks for being great!
Larry Goldfarb -April 01, 2022
Thanks, Cornelia! Wishing you a wonderful spring. Onward. Together, Larry
Mark Hirschfield -April 01, 2022
Happy April Fool's Day, Larry! That was so well done! I bought it completely, right up until the $10,000 price tag (even the IFF isn't THAT finance-focused). And unlike so many April Fool's pranks, yours involved no sense of humiliation or feeling bad about being taken in. Just a well-spun tale with a slightly disappointing ending. If you ever find them, I'll be first in line for the series you create to teach them. All the best!
nancy-laurel-pettersen Pettersen -April 01, 2022
A belly laugh first thing in the morning is a terrible thing. April Fool's, no it ain't. Thank you for the belly laugh. I bet you could hear me from hear to there.
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