Leadership, courage, and hard work

Larry Goldfarb

Larry Goldfarb

· 5 min read

Three years ago, Ohio-based Feldenkrais® teacher, Cynthia Allen, offered the first international FeldenkraisAwareness® Summit ever. Employing state-of-the-art software to bring together leading Feldenkrais teachers from all over to give presentations about the method and its many applications, she created a kind of virtual conference, one that allowed participants to learn about the method without having to leave home. That is no small feat. I speak from experience. It’s been more than a dozen years since I began exploring what’s officially known as “distance learning” and starting to learn about teaching classes online. It’s an incredibly time-consuming, challenging, and humbling experience. I mean, I thought I knew about struggle, disappointment, and heartache from my romantic life . . . then I met the Internet. I’ve never worked harder, failed so often, nor learned more. That’s why I’m so deeply impressed by — and appreciative of — Cynthia’s leadership, courage, and hard work. And, believe it or not, Cynthia and her team are at again! The first ten days of next month they’ll be putting on the third annual Feldenkrais Summit. This year’s summit is called Move Better, Feel Better(Affiliate link)*. Not only is this the third year that Cynthia’s making this happen, but she continues to improve the technology behind the scenes and to provide more content and value to the participants. For instance, this year, the All-Access package includes audio recordings of the same Awareness Through Movement® lesson in 23 different languages. Twenty-three different languages! That blows me away. I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve been a part of in the 40+ years (since I started training) about the need to make the method better known. Cynthia’s not just talking the talk. She’s also walkin’ the walk; she’s making it happen. And she’s highlighting the accomplishments of colleagues — and engaging the participation of other folks — the world over. (Being a nerd, I also love that this year everyone who decides to go for the paid pass gets the ability to use artificial intelligence to search the videos to find the content they’re looking for. How cool is that?) Thank you for having the vision, taking the risk, dedicating yourself fully, bringing people together, and showing us what’s possible. Hats off to you, Cynthia! There are two ways to join in. Remember the Summit starts the 1st of May, 2020. That’s only three weeks away!Sign up for the FREE SUMMIT, which includes:

  • Access to the initial broadcast of 38 interviews and panel discussions and to the replays for up to 48 hours!


  • 1 Awareness Through Movement lesson translated into 23 different languages
  • 9 video Awareness Through Movement lessons
  • 9 audio Awareness Through Movement lessons
  • Inspirational Guidebook (PDF)
  • Move Better, Feel Better Discussion Group on Facebook.

Or . . . You can sign up for the ALL ACCESS PASS, which gives you all of the above . . . and so much more:

  • 38 downloadable audio and video interviews and panel discussions
  • 1 Awareness Through Movement lesson translated into 23 different languages
  • 9 morning downloadable video Awareness Through Movement lessons
  • 9 evening downloadable audio Awareness Through Movement lessons
  • Feldenkrais Awareness Summit Discussion Group on Facebook.
  • Move Better, Feel Better Note-taking Guide for enhanced learning (PDF)
  • Online access to all 57 recordings at your convenience
  • Transcripts of the 29 interviews
  • Searchable videos: You’ll be able to search the videos for keywords or phrases.
  • BONUS content including over $400 in lessons, lectures, PDFs, and guides offered by the presenters.

Thinking you might want to get the All Access pass? You’ll save $35 on if you sign up before the summit begins! *All of the links in this blog post are affiliate links, meaning that Mind in Motion will be remunerated for any purchase you make when you click on the link. This in no way increases the price you pay. What’s more, these funds will be used to pay the costs of “keeping the lights on” and supporting our efforts to foster an international community of learners. If you prefer to register for the Summit without contributing, please go directly to: https://feldenkraissummit.com/

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  • Join in by getting your free account, which gives you access to the e-book edition of Articulating Changes (Larry’s now-classic Master’s thesis), ATM® lessons, and more — all at no charge whatsoever.
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  • Larry Goldfarb -April 10, 2020

    Hello Pat - Keep on learning and expanding! Larry P.S. Thanks for your good wishes.

  • patbarragan2006@yahoo.com -June 07, 2020

    Hi Larry, Staying home just became an expanded experience. Thanks for your participation. Continue recovering, Pat

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