The sign outside the neighborhood hardware store changed again. A couple of weeks ago, it announced that it was necessary to wear a mask to enter. Then they replaced it with one that only recommends masks.
That was before the rapid spread of the delta variant. At the end of last month, a show at a Music Hall one town away turned into a super spreader event. A couple of days ago, a vaccinated neighbor emerged from quarantine after recovering from a breakthrough infection. The County Health Department just reported that the number of new cases has increased by 43% since yesterday. The sign requiring masks may well be back any day now.
After everything we have been through the last year and a half, this fourth wave of the novel coronavirus has gotten to me. I have done pretty well with the uncertainty of the pandemic until now, but the latest developments have left me feeling grumpy, on edge, and frustrated. It’s only recently that I transitioned back to seeing individual clients in person and started to think about traveling to teach again.
Thank goodness we already decided that our upcoming advanced program about becoming a better Functional Integrator, BREATHING BETTER, would be offered as an online program. Consisting of three modules, each delving into a unique strategy for a hands-on lesson that improves breathing, coordination, and posture, the program combines live training, recordings, and coaching over the course of a year.
If you want to improve your ability to understand, observe, and work with the breath in individual sessions, whether they’re happening in person or online, then this course could be for you. This comprehensive, in-depth program builds comprehension, skill, and ability over time and with ample individual support. To make the course available around the world, we’re offering two training groups; to ensure personal attention, registration in each is limited to 24 participants.
You find out about the curriculum (including the innovative FI tutorials), schedule, tuition, and more, by clicking here.
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