One of our Feldenkraisian approach axioms is that instead of working with a child, it’s best to work with children and their families. The indefatigable Cynthia Allen, whose online summits have reached tens of thousands of people in some 60 countries in the last three years, is putting on a Turning Challenges into Possibilities for the Special Needs Family, a new conference founded on this very idea.
This summit is designed especially for the family or caregiver of an exceptional child looking for new avenues to developmental progress and a deeper understanding of the learning process. Not only that, but there will be plenty of information for professionals — teachers, therapists, somatic practitioners, and others — as well.
This virtual conference features presentations and panel discussions by Feldenkrais® teachers, scientists, and parents along with Awareness Through Movement® lessons, explicitly designed for slowing down and focusing on self-care.
The summit provides wide-ranging content, provides an amazing array of thought leaders and path-finding practitioners, and many opportunities for experiential learning. Even better: the entire conference package is free.
Yes, that’s right. Participating in the summit costs nothing.
Click on this link to find out more. If you decide to sign up, you receive access to the online conference without paying a penny. Your enrollment gives you:
- Access to 21+ expert session videos.
- Access to five different panel discussions.
- 15 video Awareness Through Movement lessons.
- Downloadable Inspirational Guidebook (ebook).
You get to watch the live presentations and panel discussions, and to participate in the ATM lessons. In case you can’t catch some part of the summit at the moment it’s happening, you’ll also be able to access the recordings for the following 48 hours for free.
[You will also have the option to purchase lifetime unlimited access to the recordings of all the sessions. That way you can watch them whenever you want. Along with the videos, you also get transcripts, bonus sessions, and much more. In an impressive tech triumph, the recordings will be entirely searchable, making it super easy for you to find exactly what you are looking for.]
All told the summit offers 21 sensational speakers to support your learning, expand your horizons, and contribute in new and profound ways to the lives of the child or children with whom you live (or work). I invite you to take a moment to review the program and find the sessions that speak to your questions and interests. Knowing the caliber of Cynthia’s work and that of the people who will be presenting, you can count on this being a worthwhile, engaging, and “learningful” time.
If, by chance, you know parents or professionals who would appreciate the insight, assistance, and resources that the summit is sure to provide — even this isn’t exactly your cup of tea — please forward this email to them. They’ll be grateful to have not missed out!
The Turning Challenges into Possibilities summit starts this coming Thursday, November 5th. Since you get the option to review any of the events on-demand and at your leisure later, you don’t have to rearrange your whole life to benefit from the ground-breaking and relevant occasion.
There are places available, so you can still have a chance to enroll. It’s easy to sign up now.
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- Join in by getting your free account, which gives you access to the e-book edition of Articulating Changes (Larry’s now-classic Master’s thesis), ATM® lessons, and more — all at no charge whatsoever.
- To find out more and sign up, please click here.
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