People Magazine online is featuring an article about Feldenkrais teacher and trainer Alan Questal's Pregnant Pauses: Movement for Moms DVD program. The article talks about how Alan developed this program of specialized ATM lessons to help moms-to-be stay mobile and minimize pain during pregnancy. Pregnant Pauses is a down-to-earth program that applies the Feldenkrais Method to the everyday actions that can become difficult when pregnant—such as carrying objects, reaching, getting in and out of a chair, and rolling over in bed. The article tells about the content of the DVD's, explains the rationale for Pregnant Pauses, and relates this approach to more standard exercise programs. Perhaps what's most interesting is to be found by scrolling down to the comments section. The first responses are negative, basically falling in the category of "Who's this guy to think he can teach a woman something about being pregnant?!" What is instructive, and I found quite moving, were the follow-on responses. Women who have used Pregnant Pauses—as well as the husband of one woman and the mother-in-law of another—spoke up about how Pregnant Pauses made pregnancy easier and more enjoyable. The husband also wrote about how the "pauses" had helped him better understand his wife's experience. Alan's students also wrote about what a fine teacher he's been and several Feldenkrais colleagues spoke up, talking about the value of the method and the quality of Alan's work. It's beautiful to watch: word-of-mouth spreading and community growing—21st century style—right before our eyes!
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