12 weeks

Larry Goldfarb

Larry Goldfarb

· 2 min read
Mind in Motion - 12 weeks

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The greatest pleasure is obtained by improving.”
— Ben Hogan

I almost missed it entirely.

These past few months, I’ve been so distracted by the trials and tribulations of my chosen family that I haven’t kept up with email. Thankfully, a friend mentioned that the inspired, inspiring folks at the Feldenkrais Education Training Center in Brussels were sponsoring an expansive, free summit on Neurosomatic Strategies For Improving Abilities.

This free online program brings together specialists from Europe, the UK, and the U.S. to address twelve domains of application of Moshe’s methodology:

  • From enhancing motor skills to self-actualization.
  • Musculoskeletal rehabilitation and neurorehabilitation.
  • Enhancing creativity.
  • Relief from chronic pain and persistent discomfort.
  • Enhancing sports performance.
  • Supporting babies and children with special needs.
  • Working with animals.
  • Psychological and social challenges.
  • In the work environment.
  • Stage presence for dance and theatre
  • Voice and singing
  • Music: listening and performing

The twelve-week program started at the beginning of February, so I missed the first few weeks. Luckily, I found out in time to join in yesterday’s event. The program featured short documentaries about four Feldenkrais colleagues — Emanuele Enria (IT), Ryan Jansen (UK), Vladimir Latocha (FR), and Choune Ostorero (FR) — who work with athletes and martial artists. After these informative, insightful, and incredibly well-produced videos, Choune shared her experiences working with Olympic medal-winning swimmers. She discussed how she supports top-level athletes and works with their coaches.

This morning, I participated in the first of five complimentary lessons taught by Vladimir, a retired Olympic breaststroke swimmer (Atlanta ‘96). From Monday through Friday this week, he’s teaching Awareness Through Movement classes in English for athletes and interested others. Choune follows, doing the same in French.

If you missed the first weeks of the summit, and even if it’s too late for you to participate in these ATM series, the good news is that there are seven weeks of free presentations and lessons yet to come!

To find out more and sign up for this week’s classes and future summit events, all of which are available at no charge, please click here.

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  • Diane Barker -January 01, 1970

    I can not believe how long it has taken N America to wake up to the incredible work their Feldenkrais colleagues have been doing in intoducing Feldenkrais and bringing it "out of the box"

    Hello Diane - For the longest time, the Feldenkrais community certainly has neither supported nor highlighted the work of its members. We can celebrate the fantastic work the folks from Belgium did in finding colleagues doing such significant work in so many varied fields to present their work. They also did an exemplary job with the promotion, production, and presentation of this summit, setting a new bar for the rest of the community. This bodes well for the growth and development of the new generations of teachers. Onward. Together, Larry -

  • Karin -January 01, 1970

    I second your enthusiasm wholeheartedly for this amazing opportunity! I was fortunate to discover it just as it started and it is a great chance to learn about Feldenkrais in the round and experience different teachers from different backgrounds with different approaches, all employing the Feldenkrais Method. Every week is a new voyage of discovery. It’s also nice to see the way Feldenkrais and different modalities come together, retaining their integrity yet in a kind of dance. I particularly liked the video on Sunday you mention and what Emanuele Enria (and all the others) offered. Just as an example of how this programme skilfully and seamlessly draws together different backgrounds, sources, roots and styles I was pleased to discover a connection between Emanuele Enria’s work which really spoke to me and one of my long-term yoga influences, Giovanni Felicioni, who is also an eminent rolfer leading the European training. Somehow it is so comforting when things come together. I’m surprised it seems that relatively few people are attending from the US given the vibrant Feldenkrais community there. In these times it feels even more important to overstep, or step over, geographic boundaries and connect with like-minded and like-feeling people. I found the theme of yesterday’s lovely lesson taught by Vladimir Latocha – ‘A kind request gives greater rewards’ – was such a wonderful felt experience, as it transformed the me that arrived into a much better me leaving the lesson. And also it feels like such an important, even imperative message for these times. I will be sad to miss the session today due to work commitments but will be back! Also for yourself and other US readers it’s probably helpful to signal that US Daylight Savings is not the same as most European countries (starts at end March) so the time gap may change next weekend.

    Hello Karin - Thank you for your passionate support of this superlative event. I agree that it is reassuring to witness how well the program was put together and how it brought so many folks together. I love that you highlighted Vladimir Latocha's beautiful turn of phrase, "‘A kind request gives greater rewards." You're so right that it's a timely message. I'm sad to be missing today's ATM lesson - I, too, have prior commitments. I appreciate the reminder that Europe 'springs forward' at a different time than the US does. Gratefully, Larry -

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