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The European and Israeli Feldenkrais Training Accreditation Board (EuroTAB) is responsible for accrediting Feldenkrais Teacher Trainings in Europe and Israel. The EuroTAB reviews training proposals to determine if the programs conform to the International Training and Accreditation (ITA) Guidelines before trainings start and then reviews each program annually. The EuroTAB is also responsible for certifying Assistant Feldenkrais Trainers in its region of the world and for cooperating with the other TABs to certify Trainers.

The ITA guidelines evolved thanks to the participation of Feldenkrais teachers and trainers around the world over the past 30-plus years. The policy a community-based way of setting the global standards for training in the Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education. These policies set the minimum standards that each training must meet, including:

  • Every accredited training must consist of at least 800 hours of instruction taught over no less than 160 days.
  • Educational Directors, Trainers, and Assistant Trainers must be certified by one of the TABs.
  • Trainee to teacher ratios fixed to ensure individual attention and personal education: 20 to 1 the first 80 days of training; 15 to 1 the second.)
  • Each trainee must receive at least 12 Functional Integration® sessions from the faculty over the course of the training

These standards are your assurance that accredited Feldenkrais teacher trainings meet the needs of their trainees. Taken together with the accreditation policy and boards, international community has created a way to provide critical consumer protections for trainees studying to become tomorrow’s Feldenkrais teachers. We are proud to have received this accreditation and to uphold these standards. Like all of the Amsterdam trainings before it, the AIFTT V meets or exceeds all accreditation criteria.
Establishing accreditation of Feldenkrais trainings recognized the world over means that graduates of accredited programs have access to membership, service marks, and participation in the worldwide community of Feldenkrais professional organizations and Guilds. You can learn more about the International Feldenkrais Federation at:

The EuroTAB is a working committee of the EuroTAB Council, a representative organization which is composed of Feldenkrais Associations and Guilds in Europe and Israel, except for Germany, which has its own national TAB.